Avoid These Motivation Mistakes

motivation Mar 25, 2021

When people are trying to increase their motivation they often make a series of fundamental mistakes which are so avoidable. In this article, we will discuss the most common motivational mistakes that people make so you can avoid them.

If you are pursuing a number of goals then you are going to face some obstacles that can overwhelm you. It can be a daunting prospect when you are pursuing long-term goals as achieving them just seems so far away. This can change your motivational state dramatically and you need to do the right things to get it back on course.

So read this article in full and avoid the most common mistakes when trying to raise your motivational levels.

1. Goals are Unrealistic

If your goals are unrealistic then it is going to be very difficult to achieve them. This will really test your motivation. It is much better to have more realistic goals that you feel confident you can achieve. Your motivation will stay higher in this situation.

So don’t try and go for near-impossible goals. If you are in your fifties and overweight it isn’t realistic that you will be the next great world sports star is it? It is fine to go for fitness goals but don’t make the time frame too short. When you set unrealistic goals it will really test your motivation and the likelihood is that it will fail.

2. No Discipline

Making changes to your motivation is going to take discipline. But a lot of people lack this and expect miracles. Increasing your motivation is something you need to work at consistently. You cannot make a change and expect this to last forever.

So you need to improve your discipline if you want to make lasting changes to increase your motivation. Make a commitment each day to work on your motivation and find different ways to do this. 

3. Stop Procrastinating

Are you a procrastinator? Do you look at your task list and think about other things that you would be sooner doing? Do social media and other things that you fall back on when you just can’t be bothered easily distract you?

The more that you procrastinate the more you will damage your motivation. Procrastination is a total success killer. So rather than thinking “I will do this later” change your thinking to “I want to get this done right now”. There are many ways that you can overcome procrastination. Admit that you have the problem and then take steps to overcome it.

4. Change Long Term Pain into Short Term Pleasure

When you are trying to achieve something worthwhile you are going to experience some pain. The way that you approach this will mean the difference between being totally unmotivated or highly motivated to push forward.

Be sure to link pleasure to completing all of your tasks. If you feel overwhelmed about completing a large task then break it down into smaller tasks that you can complete easily. So change your thinking to pleasure rather than pain.

5. Too Much Planning

To achieve any goal you need to have a good plan. But a lot of people go overboard with too much planning. Creating a realistic plan will give your motivation a boost but spending too much time refining a plan can have the opposite effect.

So if you are going for fitness, financial, or any other goals, create a good plan and then start working on it. You can make adjustments to it as you go along. Taking action will be far more beneficial for your motivation than creating a perfect plan.

 To contact Juan Pablo Garcia, send an email to [email protected] or visit the Facebook group "EDJ ONLINE.”

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