Enhancing Triangle Chokes: Drill to Perfect Your Close Guard Technique

jiu jitsu tips May 16, 2023
Enhancing Triangle Chokes: Drill to Perfect Your Close Guard Technique

In this post, we'll be sharing an effective drill to help you improve your triangle chokes from the close guard position. The triangle choke is a highly versatile and powerful submission that can catch your opponents off guard. By incorporating this drill into your training routine, you'll enhance your technique, and overall effectiveness in executing triangle chokes. So let's dive right in!


The triangle choke is a highly effective submission technique that can catch your opponents off guard. By incorporating this drill into your training routine, you'll sharpen your close guard skills and develop a more precise and powerful triangle choke. Remember, consistent practice and attention to detail are key to mastering any technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. So keep drilling, keep improving, and soon you'll be catching everyone in your triangles!

We hope you found this video and drill helpful. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions or if there are any other techniques you'd like us to cover in future blog posts. Happy training!

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