Jiu Jitsu World League November 2021

competition Nov 28, 2021

Southern California Jiu Jitsu is very competitive – with local tournaments seemingly every weekend, EDJ School of Jiu Jitsu has competitors competing often. This month we had some of our students competing in the Jiu Jitsu World League in Fullerton and Stockton.  

Congratulations to all the competitors from team EDJ who put everything on the line this month and fought at the JJ World League Tournaments.

Ava Groves Takes Double Gold (Gi & No Gi) in Stockton 

Jason Berner Takes Gold (Gi) in Fullerton

Celeste Carvajal Takes Gold (GI) in Fullerton

Bryan Caceres Takes Double Silver (Gi & No Gi) in Fullerton

Neil Cantu Takes Silver (Gi) in Fullerton

Keira Tamplin Takes Silver (Gi) in Fullerton

We are really proud of everyones improvements and can't wait for the next ones.

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