Join the 2022 Instructors Course Live

jiu jitsu Dec 15, 2021

ICP 2022

Course starts on Saturday, February 5th and will meet every Saturday for 4 weeks at 1:00 PM


Instructor Certification Program: The course's main objective is to make sure the interaction between the instructor and student is as safe and professional as possible.

Coaches need to be aware of such as health and safety, child protection, pedagogy, and more. With some time devoted to developing one’s coaching style.

This course is the minimum qualification needed to become an assistant or a full-time coach.

Benefits of completing the ICP:

  • Learn the basic techniques of Jiu-Jitsu for beginners students
  • Lear how to better communicate to your students on the mat
  • Learn teaching tools and secrets to enhance your skills
  • Discover the possibility of a new career or a part time passion
  • Improve your BJJ by learning how to help others though an assistant or full time teaching role

The ICP was designed to achieve the goal of making our instructors and school owners the best they can be.


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