World League Vegas Results

competition motivation news May 12, 2021

Congratulations to all our EDJ Athletes who compete on May 1st at World League tournament in Las Vegas! Out of the 4 competitors we had competing from EDJ HQ we took home 4 gold medals.  We are extremely proud of your performance and exciting to see your continue to grow both on and off the mat.

Bryan Caceres - Double Gold (Gi & NoGi Division)

Celeste Carbajal - Gold (Gi Division)

Tito Paredes - Gold (Gi Division)

Here at EDJ HQ of Corona we proved a clean, safe, and fun environment for people of all ages and skill levels.  If you are interested in learning more about our program please give us a call/text at 951-662-0162 or email us at [email protected] and get started on your FREE one week trial today.

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